Please review important information about our Parking and Traffic Procedures.
Traffic Procedures
- Please travel only north bound on 3rd Street between Bottsford and Martin Ln.
- No stopping or parking on 3rd Street between Bottsford and Martin Ln. between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- Respect the crossing guard’s authority.
- Be courteous to our neighbors. Do not block or turn around in their driveways.
- Do not park in the parking lot. It is for Authorized Personnel Only.
Attention Parents
Please follow the rules listed below regarding dropping off (and picking up) your child:
- Students should not arrive at school before the school day begins. Be advised there is no playground supervision before school. Students are not to enter the building before 7:35 a.m.
- Students are not to enter the building before 7:35 a.m. unless he/she have made previous arrangements with a teacher or school leader. Students will be directed around to the playground if they attempt to enter the building before 7:35 a.m. without a valid reason.
- Please drop-off (and pick-up) your child at the entrance/exit door your child is assigned to.
- Do not enter though the front door, unless your child is late for school.
- Teachers will receive students at their classroom doors as they enter the building.
- Wait outside the exit door your child is assigned to until the students are released at the dismissal bell-rain or shine.
- School staff is not responsible for resolving student conflicts outside of the school day including walking home, tot lot, sport practices/games, etc.
All visitors MUST enter through the FRONT door and report to the office and sign-in. No Parents/Visitors should be entering through the back or side doors.