Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
is a joint effort between Milwaukee Public Schools Office of Family Services and the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association to effectively reduce classroom disruptions and student suspensions through a school-wide systematic tiered-intervention approach. Data shows that schools that implement PBIS with fidelity see decreases in disruptions and suspensions and increases in student achievement.
Arts in Community Education (ACE)
ACE, a program of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, has partnered with us here at Thurston Woods in a collaborative effort to expose students to different music. K5 teachers integrate music into core academic subjects giving students a more comprehensive learning experience. Our K5 students will also experience a series of musical productions performed by various artists throughout the year. Families of K5 students are welcome to attend the performances, so be sure to watch for dates in our monthly newsletters!
CLC – Community Learning Center (Silver Spring Neighborhood Center)
The CLC program is a joint effort between Milwaukee Public Schools and the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center to provide after school care for our students. Students will get help with their homework and participate in activities that will help to enrich them academically.