Comprehensive Literacy Plan
The Comprehensive Literacy Plan is implemented in all classrooms where students receive explicit, intentional and differentiated instruction centered on the needs of all students. Its main purpose is to address rigor in curriculum content and the manner in which the content is delivered. All students begin in whole group instruction designed to introduce grade-level skills and concepts. The majority of time in the literacy block is dedicated to differentiated small group instruction configured to provide students with meaningful learning experiences designed to meet specific learning needs. Finally, all students reconnect during the whole group instruction to conclude the reading or writing portion of the literacy block. Students are assessed regularly to address reading difficulties and strengths in order to provide appropriate differentiated instruction to meet individual needs.
Comprehensive Math and Science Plan
The Comprehensive Math and Science Plan will include a guaranteed and viable curriculum for mathematics and science, research-based instructional design and strategies, assessments that inform teaching and learning, aligned resources including instructional technology, system-wide ongoing professional development, and broad community and constituency engagement.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
PBIS is a joint effort between Milwaukee Public Schools Office of Family Services and the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association to effectively reduce classroom disruptions and student suspensions through a school-wide systematic tiered-intervention approach. Data shows that schools that implement PBIS with fidelity see decreases in disruptions and suspensions and increases in student achievement.