Resources for Math students
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
The NCTM is the world’s largest mathematics education organization whose mission is to provide the vision and leadership necessary to ensure a mathematics education of the highest quality for all students. RUHS is an institutional member of the NCTM and many of the RUHS teachers are also individual members.
Texas Instruments
The department has mixed feelings about linking to a corporate entity; however, this site may be of use to parents and students so here it is. Texas Instruments is the company that produces the graphing calculators that are required for all Integrated College Preparatory Mathematics (Course 2 and above) as well many of the other upper level mathematics courses.
Core-Plus Mathematics Project
The curriculum use for the Integrated College Preparatory Mathematics classes was created by the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. This site provides in-depth information on this curriculum.
Graph Paper
Working on homework and need some graph paper? Here is a site that will let you print some graph paper. Many graphs to choose from.