Student Responsibilities
- Attend school regularly and be on time.
- Be respectful, responsible and safe.
- Use electronics and school provided resources responsibly.
- Do what is right and be honest.
- Discuss with my parents what I am learning about in school.
- Actively participate in class and will ask for help when I am
- Dressed in school uniform daily.
- Keep a positive attitude towards self, others, school, and learning.
- Be enthusiastic about learning and be committed to my education.
- Participate in all my IB Transdisciplinary Units and complete all required assignments during the Units of Inquiry and other course work.
- Learn and live by the ten learner profile attributes (Caring, Open-minded, balanced, principled, risk takers, inquirer, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators and reflective)
- Follow the academic integrity and assessment policy.
- Read frequently at home.