P.A.S.A. – Parkside After School Arts
P.A.S.A, the Parkside After School Arts program, is offered once per year for a 6-8 week period. Programs include dance, yoga, painting, sculpture, drumming, pottery, etc. Activities are taught by classroom teachers and community artists. It runs from 3:55pm-5:30pm and transportation is not provided. A $35.00 fee is charged to cover the artist fees.
We offer many athletic activities. Students at different grade levels have the opportunity to participate in soccer, basketball, flag football, fursal, softball, and volleyball.
Being part of an athletic team brings extra responsibilities. Middle School students must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher to participate in the athletic programs. Students with office referrals for behavioral incidents will be removed from the team.
Attendance at school is very important. Student athletes must be present the day before a game to participate in league play. If your child misses school on Friday, they will not be allowed to play on Saturday.
Participation in practice sessions is also required. Students that miss practice will not be allowed to participate in league games. Being part of a team requires committing to practice time.
Baton Twirling
Baton twirling is offered throughout the school year. There are four different baton twirling groups; beginning, intermediate, advanced and elite twirlers. Placement in one of the groups is based on baton experience and knowledge. The baton twirlers participate in performances during the school year and they also perform in the Bay View 4th of July Parade. The twirlers have won several awards for their participation in the 4th of July Parades.
Chess Club
Forensics is offered for middle school students. Students have weekly practices and meets.