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The MSL School Counseling department’s mission is to provide a comprehensive program serving all students 6th-12th grade. Through equitable school wide activities, classroom lessons, group and individual sessions, MSL School counselors will maximize student academic achievement while fostering personal and social emotional growth. In a collaborative effort with staff, parents and community members, our framework will create systemic change and provide a safe and supportive environment that will Inspire all students to become lifelong learners who are college and career ready citizens.
Student Fees
All students must pay a student fee, $25.00 at the beginning of each school year. These fees assist in covering the cost of gym lockers, equipment, textbook processing, and replacement, locker maintenance, student handbooks, testing accommodations, and mailings. All students must also pay $10.00 for a gym shirt. Fees are collected by the secretary in the main office.
All Seniors, must pay a senior fee of $50.00 at the beginning of the school year, in addition to the student fee. Senior fees cover the costs of the end of year activities, graduation ceremony, and diploma covers. Fees are collected by the secretary in the main office.
Prior to seniors receiving their cap and gowns for graduation, the office must receive the following:
- Jostens’ graduation orders must be paid in full
- Unfinished business fees must be paid in full
Dress Code
Students are expected to dress adequately, suitable for the weather conditions, and in good taste. Any article of clothing or style of dress that tends to draw attention, interfere with instruction, or threatens health or safety is considered inappropriate. All students are expected to adhere to its intent. Inappropriately dressed students will be sent to an administrator and parents will be called for a change of clothing.
- Students are expected to dress adequately, suitable for weather conditions, and in good taste.
- No outside coats or hats (jackets, letter jackets, hats, skull caps, bandanas or do-rags). Hooded sweatshirts with hood down.
- No articles of clothing, especially shirts, decorated with obscene phrases (beer, alcohol, contraband, or tobacco comments), or any language that may be interpreted as abusive, vulgar, or sexually explicit.
- No sunglasses, curlers, wave clips, hair rollers, or gloves are permitted at school.
- The following attire is NOT permitted: bicycle shorts, shorts that are too revealing, halter-tops, house slippers, pajamas and lounging pants, tops or dresses that show cleavage, have spaghetti straps or have revealing sides.
- Pants are to cover skin and undergarments and worn at waist level at all times. Boxer shorts, pajamas, and other undergarments are not to be seen. Pants that have holes or slits should have leggings/shorts under them.
Throughout the school year, the doors will open at 7:55am, and all students are expected to be in their first period class before the tardy bell rings at 8:05am. The school day ends at 3:20pm. We do not have early supervision of students, so please do not expect students to enter the building before 7:45am, even on bad weather days. Students arriving after 8:05am should enter the school through the front door on Burleigh Street. Students arriving after 10:30am MUST have a written excuse signed by a parent or guardian.
Students are expected to be on time for each class period. MSL has a four-minute passing time between classes.
Each student will be issued an individual locker in which to store books and materials. Students are to use only the locker assigned to them. Unauthorized locker swapping or sharing is prohibited. Students are responsible for keeping their lockers in good condition. Students are encouraged to limit the number of times per day they go to their lockers as unnecessary locker trips often lead to tardiness to class. While we discourage students from bringing valuable electronic equipment to school, students are permitted to use these devices to and from school. Phones, radios, headphones (headphones are not to be worn during the school day.), and other electronic devices must be kept in student lockers at the student’s own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic items.
Electronic Communication Devices/Cell Phones
Portions of Administrative Policy 8.51 are listed. The complete Administrative Policy 8.51 is located on the MPS Portal.
- Students are prohibited from activating, using or displaying electronic communication devices such as cell phones, electronic pagers, or other electronic communication devices while on school premises during the school day (including after-school programs) or while participating in school-related activities off of school premises (for example field trips), other than for approved educational purposes.
- Any electronic communication device that is activated, used, or displayed will be confiscated, inventoried, and stored in a secure location until the school administration holds a conference with the parent or adult student. Any electronic communication device that is activated, used, or displayed in a manner that endangers the safety or emotional well-being of others will be confiscated and held for disciplinary proceedings or turned over to law enforcement.
- In the event that electronic devices are brought to school, the school and school district will not be financially responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Laser pointers are prohibited.
- Cell phones should not be used during the day for any reason and parents should not call or text students at school.
Be aware that:
- Cell phones/Electronic Devices cannot be used during the school day for any reason. However, phones are available in the Milwaukee School of Languages office and each teacher has access to a classroom phone. These phones can be used by students for emergencies, with the permission of the teacher or office staff. The school office number is 414-393-5700.
MSL Student Handbook and Planner
Each student will receive an MSL Planner/Student Handbook, which outlines our school code of conduct, dress code, attendance procedures, and disciplinary procedures. The planners will be distributed to all students during the first week of school. Students and parents should read the items in the attached packet as well as in the student planner.
Hawks Gear
Represent your school Virtually or In-Person. Purchase your MSL Gear Here.