Get excited! You are a part of the MSL Family! MSL prides itself on a strong sense of community, high academic expectations, and positive behaviors. We know that you will do your best to meet these standards each day. Middle school is a time of many exciting changes. This information will serve as your guide to a successful experience here at MSL.
MSL’S Academic Expectations
Students are expected to complete all assigned classwork and homework. These assignments will be used as practice to provide students with multiple opportunities to make progress toward grade level standards. Each day work is assigned and posted in the classroom. All assignments should be written in the MSL daily planner given at the beginning of the school year. All assignments given must be completed on time. Homework must be done neatly, carefully, and to the best of one’s ability. Late homework will not receive teacher feedback.
Students will receive one of the following grades for their evidence (quizzes, tests, projects, papers, labs, presentations, oral commentaries, observations and more):
(AD) |
The student consistently exceeds grade-level expectations on standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows depth of understanding and flexible application of grade-level concepts. |
(PR) |
The student consistently meets grade-level expectations on standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows independent understanding and application of grade-level concepts. |
(BA) |
The student performs just below grade-level expectations on standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows incomplete/inconsistent understanding and application of grade-level concepts. |
(MI) |
The student performs far below grade-level expectations on standards as demonstrated by a body of evidence that shows limited understanding and application of grade-level concepts. |
Daily Procedures
To be done at the beginning of class each day
- Homework/ Practice: completed neatly with name clearly printed. Homework is an important tool to help you practice skills and better understand the content we are learning in class. In order to get the most out of your learning, all homework must be handed in on time. Excused absences will have the same number of days absent to hand-in work missed.
- Planner: write and record daily assignments
- Notebook: complete daily warm-up activity
- Materials: organized and ready to be used
- Ready to learn: sitting quietly with all required materials
Tips for Success
Be organized: Keep all school supplies, books and other materials organized so you can easily locate them.
Be responsible: Complete homework and classroom tasks on time. Be prepared to learn each day. Follow written and oral directions.
Work hard: Do your best on all assignments and put forth 100% effort! Hard work pays off! Strive to meet and even exceed grade level goals.
At home: Set aside a time and a quiet place and at home in which you read, study, or do homework each night.
For more information about your child’s academic expectations, please visit the MPS Website to view the Common Core Standards. http://www5.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/dept/academics/
Please be sure to read each of the attached Welcome Letters from your child’s teachers. Teachers have outlined specific classroom expectations and procedures. Please complete any forms (as indicated by the teacher), in order to facilitate communication between home and school.
Thank you for your dedication to your child’s education and your cooperation!
We look forward to working with you and your child and to a successful year at MSL!
MSL Middle School Academic Offerings
- Art –
- Computers –
- English/ Language Arts – 6th Grade English, 7th Grade English, and 8th Grade English
- French –
- German –
- Health –
- Japanese –
- Mathematics –
- Music – Band, Orchestra and General Music
- Physical Education –
- Science –
- Social Studies –
- Spanish –
- Special Education –
MSL High School Academic Offerings
- Art –
- Computers –
- English/ Language Arts – English 9, English 10, English 11,
- French –
- German –
- Health –
- Japanese –
- Mathematics – Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2,
- Music – Band, Orchestra, Music Appreciation
- Physical Education –
- Science – Physical Science, Biology, Environmental Science, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics
- Social Studies – Civics, World History, U.S. History,
- Spanish –
- Special Education –
School Report Card
Each Fall, the Office of Educational Accountability (OEA) at the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) issues Accountability Report Card for schools and districts in Wisconsin. The report cards present key information related to outcomes for students as measured by statewide assessments, attendance, staying in school, and high school completion. But whole school performance cannot be captured in any one report. This optional template provides schools and districts a low-stakes opportunity to create their own local report card, highlighting aspects of their schools that may not be included in required state report cards, but that enrich the story of that school and the school’s community. This is a starting point for a school or district looking to share a more customized perspective alongside the state report card. Schools and districts are required to post the Accountability Report Cards produced by DPI, and any locally designed report card could be posted alongside the state report card. Keep in mind that report cards help parents and educators understand how their school is doing, as well as where it can improve to help all children learn, advance to the next grade, and graduate ready for college and career. As such, the local report card can reflect on the year prior as well as communicate goals going forward. For questions, contact OEA.
The Milwaukee School of Languages 2018-19 State Report Card: Click Here to see our results!