MSL’S Code of Conduct Behavior Expectations
Each student should become familiar with the rules and consequences. At MSL all students are expected to show respect toward themselves, toward others, and toward property, come to class prepared to learn and work, follow all classroom, school and district rules, and exhibit behaviors that support a positive learning environment. Students are held accountable for their words and actions. The following matrix explains MSL’s Code of Conduct and the behaviors that are expected from every student.
* Student Use of Electronic Devices MPS Policy Students are not allowed to activate, use or display electronic devices, including but not limited to mobile phones while on premises of MPS. According to district policy, if devices are activated, used or displayed, they will be confiscated. Refusal to give device to staff will result in administrative action. Please see MSL Student Planner or MPS Handbook for more details regarding this policy.
If a student does not comply with the Code of Conduct the following procedure will be followed:
1) verbal warning | 3) parent contact |
2) student/ teacher conference | 4) detention or referral dependent on severity of infraction |