- The middle school Sister-Sista ladies will be meeting on Thursday, January 23, 2025 during 5th hour in room 222. This is a change in our originally scheduled date but we hope to see all of our middle school ladies there.
- There are two ways you can join Environmental club this week. If you are free after school Tuesday January 14th, please join us to update our existing bulletin board! We will also meet on Friday January 17th in the library during the first half of 6th hour to discuss some new Reflow Projects. Please indicate your interest in that meeting on the signup sheet on the bulletin board in the 160’s or talk to Ms. Woo in room 104. See you there!
- Attention All Students: The form to request schedule changes for semester 2 is posted in your School Counselor’s Google Classroom. All schedule change requests need to be submitted no later than Jan. 23, the last day of exams. Thank you
- High School Students: Are you interested in taking a college course this summer? School Counselors are now accepting applications for the Early College Credit Program. All applications to take a summer class must be submitted to your counselor by January 31st. Recruitment for fall college courses will take place during February.
- MSL’s Homework Help Club runs every Wednesday after school from 3:30 to 5pm in room 103. Please come as needed to get some work done, get help with assignments, or earn community service hours by helping other students. These are drop in sessions with no commitment required. You must have your own transportation home. Any questions see Mrs. O’Neil. Thank you
- Senior Successes: A major congratulations to Martir Slade and Amonya Pampuch-Buck on winning the Louvenia Johnson Black Excellence Scholarship. We are hawk proud of you.