Thursday, January 9, 2025
- January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month – There are lots of positive things about being online – but there are risks, too. If you send or post a picture, you can’t always control how it’s being seen—or how it’s being shared by others. Pictures might also communicate more information than you intend to—for example, a photo of you and your friends at your volleyball tournament can tell someone where you go to school. Never take images of yourself that you wouldn’t want everyone – your classmates, your teachers or your family to see! Be Safe!! – Support Staff- School Counselor/SSW/School Psych/ Etc.
- Attention GSA members! There is no meeting this week. Our next meeting is next week Thursday at 3:30. Diverse and Resilient will be back with us at the end of the month. Please swing by room 115 for a slip if you can’t come next Thursday. – Ms. Piat
- Senior Class Meeting this Thursday, 1/9/25 during 2nd hour in Cafeteria. – Mr. Harris
- Attention MSL Students and Staff- MSL’s Got Talent is coming up soon! Due to some technical errors and the holidays, the deadline for auditions has been extended to Monday, January 13! Please join the Google Classroom- code 6vtaceo, or see the flyers around the building to join.
Simply record a minute long video of your talent and submit it using the MSL’s Got Talent 24/25 assignment in the Google Classroom. It can be an instrumental or vocal performance, dance, magic show, comedy, spoken word poetry, original composition- anything that can be done on stage can be an option! The MSL’s Got Talent Showcase will take place on Friday, January 31! Please share your talents with us! See Mr. Titus or Mr. Bradshaw with any questions.