PBIS is a joint effort between Milwaukee Public Schools Office of Family Services and the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association to effectively reduce classroom disruptions and student suspensions through a school-wide systematic tiered-intervention approach. Data shows that schools that implement PBIS with fidelity see decreases in disruptions and suspensions and increases in student achievement.
Our goal is to help each child develop self-discipline to make good choices. Together the home and school share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers and students must work together to maintain a safe learning environment.
Morgandale will be utilizing a Positive Behavior Support Program to recognize the positive contributions of students. Each teacher has a classroom discipline plan that informs students of classroom rules, consequences, and incentives. Respect, Responsibility, and Safety are primary in all classroom and non-classroom settings. We recognize the good
choices students make with “paw prides” which can be exchanged for items from the school store.
In addition, classes will be awarded with a BIG PAW PRIDE for exhibiting RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE behaviors in the non-classroom settings. These are just a few of the ways we intend to promote positive behavior at Morgandale.
Morgandale School’s Expectations
1. Be Respectful.
2. Be Responsible.
3. Be Safe.
The Staff at Morgandale encourages parent and community involvement. If you have any suggestions which might improve our program, please contact a member of the PBIS committee.
Student Consequences for Inappropriate Behaviors
1. Warning:
Student will be given a verbal warning allowing the student the opportunity to correct the behavior before further action is taken. (A time out slip may be given before the minor behavior incident report is completed. This will depend on the type of inappropriate behavior.)
2. Minor Behavior Incident
Report An individual conference between a student and staff member will be held to make the student aware of his/her poor judgment regarding a particular incident. This will provide the opportunity for discussing possible alternatives available for the student to correct the problem. Students will bring the Minor home for parent signature.
3.Major Behavior Incident Referrals
Faculty members will complete a referral form when unacceptable behaviors have persisted. The principal will investigate the incidents and determine appropriate action to resolve the issue. Parents will be notified when such action has been taken.
Rewards for Appropriate Behaviors
- Positive Praise
- Paw Prides
- Big Paws
- Items in our store, “PAWS R US.”
- Class rewards: extra recess, etc…
A Few Facts:
PBIS is an effort that involves our entire school, from the youngest students to our most experienced staff members.
PBIS helps us to decrease classroom disruptions and have fewer student suspensions. We decide the kinds of behavior that we want for our school, share the expectations with all students and staff, and practice that behavior.
PBIS helps our school maintain a positive atmosphere where learning happens! Welcome to our PBIS school!