Name: Mai See Xiong
What year did you start teaching? 2022
University attended: University of WI-Milwaukee, Bachelor and Mt. Mary University, Master
Degree/Certification: American Sign Language and Education
Some Fun Facts…
Favorite board game: Monopoly
If you were an animal what would you be? A kangaroo, for their loving mother features
If you could invite 3 people to a dinner party (past or present), who would you invite and why? Jim Rohn, motivational speaker/entrepreneur. Angelina Jolie, cool actress. Grandma, miss her presence and words of wisdom.
Favorite Ice cream flavor: Strawberry or Chocolate
Favorite Children’s author and/or book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
First concert you ever went to: Summerfest
Best Meal Ever: Spicy Thai food
What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? In 4th grade, we ate fried larva and centipedes
Other Fun Facts: My first job was McDonald’s when I was 14 years old