Trying to get your child into Morgandale?
Call 414-902-9911 or email 277@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
Parent Feedback (comentarios de los padres)
Testing Information
Morgandale students are tasked with taking school and state tests. See information below. Go to the MPS assessment site for details.
The mission of Morgandale School is to accomplish the goal of excellence for all by providing a safe, respectful and cooperative atmosphere that will help students to develop confidence, responsibility and self-discipline. Our mission is to provide a solid foundation so our students can achieve the grade level expectations that prepare them for the transition into high school. We prepare them to be lifelong learners and successful productive adults in a rapidly changing, technological world. Morgandale accomplishes this goal through the cooperative efforts of students, staff, parents and the community.
2024-25 School Improvement Goals
GOAL #1: Tier 1 Instruction/Learning Team
During the 2024-25 school year, our school will demonstrate a 5% increase in the number of students who score proficient in math and English language arts (overall and disaggregated by groups) on the Wisconsin Forward and DLM from the spring of 2023-24.
GOAL #2: Tier 2 & 3 Interventions/BIT Academic
During the 2024-25 school year, our school will demonstrate a 10% decrease in the number of students who score below basic in math and English language arts (overall and disaggregated by groups) on the Wisconsin Forward, DLM, and ACT from the spring of 2023-24.
GOAL #4: Test Participation/Learning Team
During the 2024-25 school year, our school will attain a test participation rate of 95% or higher for Star, Forward and DLM.
GOAL #5: Tier 1 Attendance/PBIS
During the 2024-25 school year, our school will maintain a 95% attendance rate.
GOAL #6: Tier 2 & 3 Attendance/BIT Behavior & Attendance
During the 2024-25 school year, our school will have 100% of our students regularly attending (90%).
GOAL #7: Strategies to Address School-wide Disproportionality – PBIS Team/BIT Behavior/Discipline Work Group
During the 2024-25 school year, our school will significantly reduce the racial/ethnic disproportionality in referrals, identifications and disciplinary procedures through the use of equitable practices (e.g., culturally responsive and linguistically responsive practices, restorative practices) as part of a multi-tiered system of support
Sign up for the Parent Portal!
Receive real-time updates and alerts right on your phone! Keeping our families informed is a high priority at MPS. An effective way to receive real-time updates and alerts from the district and your child’s school is through the Infinite CampusParent Portal!
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows 24-hour access to view your child’s:
- Schedule
- Attendance
- Transportation Information
- Grades
- Immunizations
- District Messages and Alerts
Parents, Would You Like to Have an Opportunity to Share Your Ideas and Planning for our Students?
Milwaukee Public Schools established the District Advisory Council (DAC) to ensure that parents of all students have an opportunity to share their ideas about the needs of children, assist in the planning and operation of programs for children and participate in evaluating the success of efforts. Today, the DAC is a diverse group of families committed to lending their voice on current issues faced by Milwaukee Public Schools.
Family Leadership Organization (FLO) meeting description (PDF)