Earn money to enrich your child’s education while you…
…grocery shop at Sendik’s, Sentry, Pick ‘n Save, or Woodman’s
…buy gas at Speedway, Kwik Trip, Shell, BP or Mobil
.…shop at Kohl’s, Old Navy, Gap, JcPenney, Home Depot or Lowe’s
.…go to Starbuck’s, Chancery, Chili’s, Noodles, Panera or Pizza Hut
.…do your everyday shopping at these and MANY MORE retailers.
How? Meet Scrip!
With Scrip, the PTA earns money through instant rebates from
retailers who want to support schools.
Simply put:
- You buy a $20 card, you get a card worth $20, and MGIS students get anywhere from $1-$10 from the retailer for each gift card purchased.
Examples include:
Starbucks offers a 7% rebate ($1.75 for PTA on a $25 card),
Chili’s offers an 11% rebate ($2.75 for PTA on a $25 card).
- The beauty of Scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You do fundraising without spending an additional penny.
Where/When can You buy Scrip?
Ordering is simple:
- Visit www.shopwithscrip.com to see the full selection of cards available for purchase.
- Stop by the Scrip Table on Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 pm in the main entrance at MGIS to place your order or download a Scrip order form from MGIS’ website and send it in with a check or money order made payable to “MGIS PTA” in an envelope labeled “Scrip order, please send to office asap”.
- Create an account for SCRIPNOW you can buy on your phone, and pay with your phone!
Do NOT send cash in with students.
- Stop by the Scrip table the following week to pick up your cards
- Scrip also has a limited supply of cards available at the Scrip table for immediate purchase. Stop by any Thursday to see the selection!
Questions? Contact MGIS Scrip Coordinator:
Traci McKean teachingamerica@yahoo.com