We are excited to offer Night Tours on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025. Night Tours is an open house-style tour and information night for new families interested in seeing Milwaukee German Immersion School, meeting some of our amazing teachers, and learning about why giving your child a second language is the best gift ever!
To RSVP, please contact Ed Possing at 414-393-5604, possine@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
or complete the sign-up form.
Ready to Enroll for the 2024-2025 school year? Please visit the MPS Enrollment site for more details!
Check out our new enrollment video!
We accept new students at the K4, K5, and 1st-grade level without prior German. Admission at grades 2-5 is dependent upon the student’s German language skills and space availability. Parents and guardians interested in applying to our award-winning school should do 2 things:
Milwaukee residents apply online through the MPS website. Enrollment for K4 and K5 is during February. If you miss this window, you can still apply to our school through August. We do not accept students mid-year.
Non-Milwaukee residents must apply both with DPI and with MPS. Please call our Parent Coordinator, Herr Possing, at 414-393-5604 for further information.
Our school year office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. Tours can also be scheduled upon request.