At Maple Tree Elementary School, families are encouraged to support their children’s education by being active participants. It is important to realize that the Maple Tree staff and families must work together to build a strong support network for children. Maple Tree helps parents raise confident children by teaching citizenship, respect, discipline and personal responsibility. Parent involvement is critical for a child to succeed academically and grow emotionally. Families can support the Maple Tree community by:
- Ensuring that your child arrives to school on time every day (7:20 a.m.);
- Calling the Maple Tree office when your child is absent at (414) 578-5100;
- Ensuring that your child gets the proper amount of sleep every night;
- Checking your child’s bookbag every day;
- Reading with your child daily;
- Assisting your child with homework;
- Dressing your child appropriately according to the weather;
- Offering assistance in the classrooms;
- Attending field trips;
- Being an active member of the PTO.
Click here for a reading resource guide for parents.