January 25, 2024
Upcoming Events / Meetings
SEC-School Engagement Council MEETING
**This will be a Budget proposal and feedback session
Please join us for this important engagement !
Wednesday, January 31st
5:00 pm
Room 103B
PTO- Parent Teacher Organization MEETING
Wednesday, January 31st
Room 103B
5:30 – 6: 30 pm
DAC – District Advisory Council MEETING
Thursday, February 1st
6:00-7:30 pm
Saturday, February 10th
1:00 – 4:00 pm
MacDowell Montessori
More about the event – 50 Years Montessori
Friday, February 16th and Monday, February 19th
Thursday, February 22nd
6:00 – 7:30 pm
MacDowell Auditorium
Friday, March 1st
NEW DATE – Friday, March 1st
6:00 – 7:30 pm
See Flyer Below
As winter weather has affected the clearance of streets in the city we would like to remind families of some morning drop off procedures.
- Traffic should flow North to South.
- Refrain from parking on the east side of 64th St (children and parents crossing presents a hazard and slows up vehicles trying to exit the drop off line)
- Drop off is a HUG and GO zone. Students should be ready to exit when the vehicle reaches the doors
- There is no parking on the west side of 64th St. Parents that want to walk their students need to park further down the street.
Please be patient. The engineer and staff are working hard to clear sidewalks and make entrance safe. We are all battling the treacherous nature of the previous snow and ice storms. We all want our students in class safe and on time.
Winter weather has arrived! As winter conditions continue, please be alert for school closings. The decision to close school will be posted on the MPS website, MPS X and Facebook pages, and on all major television and news stations.
!! OPT-IN TO TEXT MESSAGING ! To receive notices via text message be sure to OPT-IN to text messaging from MPS. Text “Y” to 67587 to receive school notifications, transportation updates, newsletters and important messaging.
We have scheduled an additional Spring Picture Day for students who missed having their classroom picture taken in the Fall. Please save the date for this Picture Day which will be Friday, March 1st. View the flyer HERE. Thank you
2024 ACT District Testing Day March 12
MPS high schools will administer the state-required ACT to grade 11 students on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. On this date, only juniors will be in attendance. Freshmen, sophomores, and seniors will not report to school on this date but will engage in asynchronous work. Multi-grade schools on the early start calendar (e.g., K– 12, 3–12, 6–12) will have regular attendance for students not in grades 9, 10, or 12. Students should arrive at school at their regular start time to allow testing to be completed in a timely manner.
2024 PreACT District Testing Day April 10
MPS high schools will administer the state-required PreACT to grades 9 and 10 students on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. On this date, only freshmen and sophomores will be in attendance. Juniors and seniors will not report to school on this date but will engage in asynchronous work. Multi-grade schools on the early start calendar (e.g., K–12, 3–12, 6–12) will have regular attendance for students not in grades 11 or 12. Students should arrive at school at their regular start time to allow testing to be completed in a timely manner.
UPPER EL NATURE’S CLASSROOM TRIP: February 26 – March 1, 2024 (4th-6th grade)
If your child will attend Nature’s Classroom, please complete both the NCI online registration and the MPS Field Trip Form as soon as possible. Please return the MPS Field Trip Form to your child’s teacher.
Payment does not need to be made immediately, please see the deadlines below.
PLEASE NOTE: We require a copy of medical insurance cards – you can send a photo of the front and back via email to your child’s teacher, or attach a copy with the paperwork.
- Both registrations (NCI online and MPS Field Trip) must be completed no later than Monday, February 12th.
- Insurance card must be included with registration.
- We will accept payment (cash or check made out to MacDowell Montessori, to the main office) no later than Tuesday, February 20th.
NCI Registration – online
MPS Registration / Field Trip Form
Save the Date –
50 Years of Montessori Open House at MacDowell
MacDowell will have students demonstrating Montessori work, dance performances, and a choir presentation with SO MUCH MORE.
DON’T FORGET TO PRE ORDER YEARBOOKS! All students who had their photo taken will be in their classroom / grade level layout in this yearbook. Our yearbooks also feature team / club photos and candids. We create two separate yearbooks, one for K3-6th grade students & one for 7-12 grade students. Yearbooks are delivered at the end of the school year. There are separate yearbook order links for each yearbook, please see order information below:
- K3-6th grade yearbooks will cost $15 – order online at ybpay.com code is 15140624
- 7-12th grade yearbooks will cost $25 – order online ybpay.com code is 14324524
Sports and Activities Update
JUNEAU ATHLETICS December/January Newsletter -> HERE
- Athlete of the Month – Dooney Johnson
- Winter sports update
- Prepare for spring sports with our stand alone Track and Field team
ELEMENTARY: 🗣️Call For Coaches
The Spring season is right around the corner, and we are looking for coaches. The more coaches we have, the more kids can participate. Coaches are paid through Milwaukee Recreation. We are currently looking for a 5th-8th Track coach, and 1st-3rd/4th-5th Soccer coaches. Please contact Ms. Wanta if you are interested or have any questions: wantalm@milwaukee.k12.wi.us.
All schedules for the winter sports season are posted on Remind.
- ♟️ Chess Club-Tuesday https://www.remind.com/join/c68gd4
- ♟️ Chess Club-Thursday https://www.remind.com/join/g7b2kf2
- 🏀1-3 Basketball Team 1-Coach Glenn https://www.remind.com/join/ead63a
- 🏀1-3 Basketball Team 2-Coach Shawn https://www.remind.com/join/b2d448
- 🏀6-8 Boys Basketball https://www.remind.com/join/34cgf3
- 🏐6-8 Volleyball Team 1-Coach LJ https://www.remind.com/join/ggahg8h
- 🏐6-8 Volleyball Team 2-Coach Maiter https://www.remind.com/join/dhc274
- 📣6-8 Cheerleading https://www.remind.com/join/ecfb6h6
- 🏀4-5 Basketball https://www.remind.com/join/g898dbg
In Case You Missed It:
We hope you can still join us!
6:00-7:30 pm
Family friendly crafts, storytime, display/demonstration of sandpaper letters, moveable alphabet, grammar boxes and sentence analysis.
Volunteer : https://tinyurl.com/MacDLiteracyVolunteer24
RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/MacDLiteracy2024
MPS Kindergarten Enrollment – Save the Date!
Will your child turn 3, 4, or 5 by September 1, 2024? Don’t forget to enroll them at MacDowell!
Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year will begin Saturday, February 3, 2024, and will end March 4, 2024. Current MacDowell students need not reapply. We will send enrollment directions closer to the enrollment date.
MacDowell Spotlight
Montessori Materials in Action
On Wednesday afternoon over 40 MacDowell 10th graders presented their Middle Years Program IB Personal Project during our Showcase in the gymnasium. Students have worked on their Personal Project all of semester one, and they were finally ready to share their project with the community and officially submit it to the International Baccalaureate Organization. We are so pleased these students have completed this important IB milestone. Projects ranged from music creation, designing a graphic novel, art techniques, car mechanics, dance, learning an instrument and so much more.
Lunch Menu – January
Highschool Juneau Boys Basketball Schedule
How To Reach Me
If you need to reach me, my phone number is 414-935-1339 and my email is: mossergj@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
~ Ms. Gail Jaeger
Resources & Events
Calling All Parents!
Parents are invited to attend a virtual meeting of the Milwaukee Parent Institute to discuss how they can improve their child’s academic performance and potential, support talking to their child about school and their future, focus their child on attending college, increase understanding of adolescent behavior, and prepare their child for college and other post-secondary opportunities. In addition to gaining valuable information, families who attend the session will be entered into a drawing!
- Virtual (Zoom)
- Wednesday, January 31, 2024
The Middle School session will be Wednesday, January 31 from 5:15-6:45 p.m.
The High School session will be Wednesday, January 31 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. or 5:15-6:45 p.m.
Register here: https://bit.ly/wintermpi
Milwaukee Rec Dept. – Daddy/Daughter Dance
Save the Date! The 2024 Daddy/Daughter Dance is right around the corner!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, Feb. 17 as we celebrate fathers, daughters, and father-figures in this classic Milwaukee event.
Event Information
- Date: Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024
- Where: North Division HS Community Center
- When: 5-8 p.m.
- Dinner & Dance Option: $30 per adult, $10 first child, $5 each additional child
- Dance Only Option – $20 per adult, $5 each child (limit three children per adult)
- Register Here!
Adult registration includes a complimentary photo.
Doors open at 5 p.m. for pre-registered dinner & dance guests only. Dinner will be served from 5:15-6:15 p.m. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. for dance guests only.