November 23 – 25th, NO SCHOOL
- Milwaukee Fatherhood Summit, Saturday, Nov. 12th, 8AM-5PM, Destiny Youth Plaza
- Advanced Academic Programs, Sunday, November 13th. 1:00-3:30PM, Via Zoom
- MAC (Montessori Advisory Council) Monday, Nov. 14th, 5:30–6:30 PM, Central Office
- Colectivo monies and forms are due, Wednesday, November 16th, main office
- SEC Meeting, Wednesday, November 16th, 5PM, Room 103
- PTO Meeting, Wednesday, November 16th, 5:30-6:30 PM, Room 103
- Photo Retake Day, Thursday, November 17th
The Montessori Advisory Committee (MAC)
The Montessori Advisory Committee (MAC) needs your thoughts, ideas, and voice. Join us to help strengthen Montessori education in Milwaukee. Be part of a committee working to make MPS a global leader in Montessori practice.
Meetings are 5:30–6:30 p.m. one Monday every month at MPS Central Services, 5225 W. Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208. Meetings are held in room 206–208 unless designated as a virtual meeting. Everyone is welcome at all meetings.
Upcoming Meetings
November 14, 2022 – please see the agenda HERE
December 12, 2022
Thank you to the many families who supported the PTO Bake Sale! We appreciate it so much! Together we raised over $400 for the PTO.
The Colectivo monies and forms are due to the main office by 11/16. Please make checks payable to MacDowell Montessori PTO.
If you wish to support the PTO but do not want to fundraise, please consider a donation to the Un Fundraiser. 100% of your donation goes directly to the PTO.
Unfundraiser form HERE
Pick up date for the Colectivo & Chef’s Choice Fundraiser will be 11/30 during mid day dismissal and after school.
- The team was selected by lottery this week.
- Registration packets were distributed for students who are on the team.
Don’t Forget to Order This Year’s School Pictures
- If families did not order a photo package prior to picture day, they received a proof sheet with customized codes for their child so that they can order photos online.
- Families will be able to see the image on this proof sheet and order at https://my.lifetouch.com/.
Photo Retake Day, Thursday, November 17th
- Retake day is for students who were absent on photo day, and for any student who is retaking their photo. Please make sure your child’s teacher knows that you want a retake photo done. If families ordered a picture package before picture day and did not like it, their student needs to bring the picture package back on retake day and take a new picture. Another picture package will be sent to school.
We are taking preorders for our school yearbooks! All students who had their photo taken will be in their classroom / grade level layout in this yearbook. We create two separate yearbooks, one for K3-6th grade students & one for 7-12 grade students. Yearbooks are delivered at the end of the school year. There are separate yearbook order links for each yearbook, please see order information below:
- K3-6th grade yearbooks will cost $15 – order online at ybpay.com – code is 14324523
- 7-12th grade yearbooks will cost $25 – order online ybpay.com code is 14880023
Fatherhood: Forging Futures With A Healthy Family Focus
SAT. NOV. 12, 2022, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Destiny Youth Plaza 7220 N. 76th Street Milwaukee, WI
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED Admission is free. To register: milwaukee.gov/fatherhood
Flyer HERE
Advanced Academic PROGRAMS
Sunday, November 13, 2022
1:00–3:30 P.M.
Attend a short overview, then select two topics that interest you.
- What is the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)?
- Identifying and Nurturing Gifted Potential in Children
- Advanced Placement
- International Baccalaureate
- Supporting a Gifted Child—Parenting Tips
- Overview for Spanish Speakers
All sessions will be hosted on Zoom. Content in these sessions will be the same as last year’s meeting. Feel free to repeat or select new topics.
Registration is required. https://mpsmke.com/mpspireg
Flyer HERE
!!!! OPT-IN TO TEXT MESSAGING: This will allow you to receive updates regarding transportation changes, school newsletters, school closings and so much more. Follow these instructions to ensure you are receiving important information:
- Families should send a text message to: 67587 to connect to the new system.
- In the message, send Y or YES to ensure that you continue to receive important texts from your school and district.
Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities, and Discipline