→ Please sign up HERE
PICTURE DAY – OCTOBER 1ST: Order forms have already been sent home, and you can also order online. All students will have their photos taken, even if they do not order a picture package. Our School ID for ordering online at is EVT4QXCD9
******** We will have a Make-Up Photo Day for those students not in attendance this Friday. We will publish that date once we have it confirmed.
Reading Corner – Library Updates
Contact Ms. Raasch via email with any questions: |
MPS Vaccine Mandate UPDATE: The Milwaukee Board of School Directors has approved a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for all staff. Religious and medical accommodations will be allowed, but exempt individuals will be required to take part in COVID-19 testing twice per week. Employees will need to become fully vaccinated by November 1, 2021.
The Board also approved an incentive of $100 for MPS students age 12 and older who become fully vaccinated by November 1. Information will be coming soon. Families should take note that children must receive BOTH doses of the Pfizer vaccine by November 1, 2021, in order to be eligible. The second dose of Pfizer vaccine must be given at least 21 days after the first dose, so children should receive their first Pfizer dose no later than October 8, 2021. Families will receive more details from the district in the coming weeks, including how to apply for the incentive, when and how the incentive will be distributed, and more. Read more about this important decision! In addition, any family who reads and receives the digital school newsletter via email and/or text may choose to opt out of the paper newsletter entirely if they wish. *Please note: Thursday Folders of all students should still be checked weekly for class work and teacher communication. Please complete this form if you have more than one K3-6th grade child who attends MacDowell, OR if you are requesting a paper opt out and we will make the adjustment as soon as possible. Thank you! ~Ms. Claudine
SAVE THE DATE – ANNUAL TITLE 1 MEETING Come learn about what is a Title I Schoolwide Program! Wednesday, October 13th at 5:30 PM (virtual) We will also discuss our school’s goals and School-Parent Compact and you will have an opportunity to share your feedback. Girls in grades 6-8 are invited to Middle school night at Juneau Volleyball! It will be next Thursday, Oct. 7. Students interested in staying for the game are invited to come to Room 2 after school and hang out with the varsity team before they get ready to play against South Division. The match begins at 5. Those who attend will share in some food, comradery, and then enjoy the varsity match. Any questions? Contact Mr. Jaeger Register here for Zoom Link: HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS: Winter registration is completely online and can be accessed by the following link: |
The Student Enrichment Program for Underrepresented Professions (StEP-UP) at MCW is designed to bring opportunities to middle, high school, and college students in the Milwaukee area who are interested in careers in medicine and the sciences.
The program aims to increase access and retention in medical and graduate school among students underrepresented in medicine and contribute to resolving health disparities in Wisconsin.
StEP-UP is a competitive program designed to provide opportunities to local middle school, high school and college students from disadvantaged backgrounds, underrepresented cultural and ethnic groups, and individuals with disabilities. Their target ethnic groups include African Americans, Mexican- Americans, Native Americans (American Indians and Alaska Natives), Hmong, and Mainland Puerto Rican.
Their academic year programs will start on Saturday, November 6, 2021. The application deadline is Friday, October 1st. Please see the flyer and apply here:
MPS Family Guide Assists Parents: MPS has created a Family Guide with important information about in-person learning. Get information about health and safety procedures, COVID-19 mitigation strategies, ways to keep students safe, and other important updates in schools. Check out the Family Guide today on the MPS Roadmap to Readiness website!
UPCOMING DATES – Please mark your calendars
Do you have an 11th or 12th grade student that is planning to attend college?
Would you like information on the various ways to pay for college? If yes, come to one of our FAFSA Events below! *Please see the flyer with documents/information required to complete the FAFSA
FAFSA Event / Paying for College Overview
September 30th
FAFSA Work Session
*IN person, 12th Grade Parents only
October 7th
MacDowell College and Career Center.
*See Flyer HERE
Forms were sent home recently. All students will have their photo taken, even if they do not order photos.
Our School ID for ordering online at is EVT4QXCD9
MAC (Montessori Advisory Committee) Meeting
October 4 from 5:30 – 6:30 PM (virtual)
The Montessori Advisory Committee (MAC) needs your thoughts, ideas, and voice. Join us to help strengthen Montessori education in Milwaukee. Be part of a committee working to make MPS a global leader in Montessori practice.Everyone is welcome at all meetings. Please visit the MAC Zoom link to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
DAC Meeting
October 7
6:00 – 7:30 PM
The District Advisory Council (DAC) meets monthly to learn about and advise on district strategies and programs impacting families, particularly related to Title I.
This will be a virtual meeting. Link to join the meeting is HERE
SEC Meeting (virtual)
Wednesday, October 13th
5:00—5:30 PM
This will be a virtual meeting.
Annual Title 1 Meeting (virtual)
Wednesday, October 13th
5:30 PM
This will be a virtual meeting.
PTO Meeting (virtual) Wednesday, October 13th
6 PM
This will be a virtual meeting
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Monday, October 18 from 3:45 PM to 7:30 PM
Wednesday, October 20 from 3:45 PM to 7:30 PM
CROSSING GUARD POSITION: MacDowell needs a crossing guard! There is a shortage of crossing guards, and we have a vacancy at the corner of Mt. Vernon and 64th Street. Pay is $12.69 an hour and the hours are 7:20 – 8:10 am and 3:00 – 3:40 PM. Questions or want to apply? Call 414-935-7990. Please help spread the word!!!!
!!!! OPT-IN TO TEXT MESSAGING: This will allow you to receive updates regarding transportation changes, school newsletters, school closings and so much more. Follow these instructions to ensure you are receiving important information:
- Families should send a text message to: 67587 to connect to the new system.
- In the message, send Y or YES to ensure that you continue to receive important texts from your school and district.
REMINDER: VOLUNTEER for MacDowell: If you are interested in volunteering or serving on one of our leadership committees, let’s talk! Volunteer opportunities include: literacy and math tutors, general assistants (photocopying, laminating materials), coaches, gardeners, field trip chaperones, and event volunteers. If you are able to help our community in any way, please fill out the information on my Google Form here:
If you still wish to purchase a K3-6th grade yearbook from last school year, you can do so through the office, or send payment with your child. Yearbooks are $10 each, payable in cash (exact change) or check made out to MacDowell Montessori.
Parent/Student Handbook On Rights, Responsibilities, And Discipline