- Student lines follow around the gym counterclockwise.
- Students will be seated at the lunch table for at least 15 minutes to eat.
- Teachers and paras will actively supervise
- Students are responsible for clean-up of their personal eating area.
- Soft music is played to create a calm atmosphere.
- Students may talk using a 12 inch voice.
- Last five minute “waterfall” no talking time
- Tables will be dismissed in an orderly manner
- Cadets will assist with clean up.
- Adults will walk around and actively supervise students
- Children will engage in safe play and proper use of equipment
- If timeouts are needed, they are relevant to the age of the child and the infraction
- There is zero tolerance for fighting and physical contact
- Consequences are known and consistent
- All staff will be on time and in place, wearing their yellow/orange safety vest during outdoor duty.
- Students will walk in the hall at all times
- Bookbags, coats, and other belongings will be hung up on the coat rack
- Boots will be lined up neatly under the coat rack.
- Respect the belongings of others
- Adults will accompany groups or classes
- Students will talk in a 12 inch voice