For camp registration information or questions, contact Kelly Styers, camp director, at or (414) 304-6614.
Lowell School Location
4360 South 20th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53221
Phone for Camp Lowell Office
(414)-304-6614 or Lowell School Office — (414)-304-6600
Wisconsin Shares Provider Number
Tuesday September 5, 2023 through Wednesday, June 12, 2024
No camp on days when school is closed.
6:30 a.m. to 7:10 a.m.
2:20 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Homework, reading, outdoor activities, games, educational activities (including computer intervention), academic tutoring, art and crafts.
K4 through Grade 5
Students must be toilet trained and able to participate independently in a group of 10-25 students. Students should have the ability to interact positively in a social setting, transition between activities and demonstrate self-control. Camp Lowell is not staffed to support and/or meet the needs of students who cannot successfully participate in a group of 10-25 students. Aggression (hitting, biting, kicking, spitting, etc.) bullying, inappropriate language and interactions, or threatening behavior can lead to consequences and may lead to student dismissal from the program. Students will receive a warning letter for inappropriate behavior. After 3 suspensions the student will be considered for removal from Camp Lowell.
A snack will be provided daily. (Note: Dinner will not be served.)
Transportation will NOT be provided. Students will need to be picked up from Camp.
Camp Lowell Fees
$8.oo per hour ages 4-5, $7.00 per hour ages 6-12. There is also a one-time $10.00 registration per child, payable with first week’s payment.
Late Fee
$15.00 per child anytime after 6:01 p.m.
For example: 6:01 p.m.-6:15 p.m. =$15.00
6:16 p.m.-6:30 p.m. = $30.00.
Three late pick-ups will result in child’s removal from the program.
Camp is structured with a prepay system, meaning anticipated child care must be paid before services are received. A credit should always remain on the account to ensure your child can receive Camp services. A payment is required at the time of registration to guarantee a spot for you child. Wisconsin Shares families need to be approved at stay current or will have to pay the hourly rate out of pocket. Please contact your case worker and provide them with our provider number (2000563892/056) and hours needed for the program. Wisconsin Shares families, please note that you can not use Wisconsin Shares to cover the one-time registration fee or any field trips through Camp.