At Dr. King School, young children with special needs, ages three to five years, may receive Special Education and related services from well-trained professionals in an array of appropriate learning environments to reach their full potential and developmental milestones. We offer a variety of preschool options and Individualized Education Programs for children with Special Education needs. Staff develops Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) that document the type and amount of support and services your child will receive based on his/her needs and strengths.
Educational activities may include, but are not limited to: socio-emotional skills, pre-academic skills, language and communication skills, self-care skills and motor skills as determined by the IEP team and documented in the child’s IEP. Dr. King School celebrates diversity and works with families to face learning challenges so that each child performs at his or her highest level. Staff encourages an inclusive approach to Special Education, although academic settings may differ depending on the types of lessons being taught as well as the academic goals outlined in the IEP. The intention is to integrate learning activities and environments for young children with special needs to the extent appropriate, with peers of the same age in regular education settings.
For more information on our early childhood Special Education program or to enroll your child, please call Dr. King School at (414) 267-1500. We would love to meet any prospective students and families, provide a personal tour of our classrooms, and share the education and resources available for your child.
Other Resources
In addition to a Special Education teacher, the IEP team may determine that other supportive services are needed for your child to benefit from Special Education. For this reason, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, nurses, psychologists and social workers are also available. Transportation is provided if the IEP team determines the service is necessary.
MPS provides Special Education services according to a federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004). The law requires MPS to provide services for children from the ages of 3 to 21 years who have been identified with disabilities. For program locations or more information, please call the MPS Parent Information Center at (414) 475-8705 or MPS Child Find at (414) 475-8593.