Kagel Elementary School offers students a small, neighborhood school environment with the option of a Dual Language Program to prepare for an increasingly global society. We are one of 10 MPS GE Foundation Demonstration Schools, a distinction which provides us with additional support to bolster student achievement and prepare students for college and career success through the Common Core State Standards. Collaboration is a driving force within our school culture. Families benefit from a full-day Dual Language K4 program and from our after school Boys and Girls Club partnership . The Kagel mantra is ‘Achieving Excellence Through Innovation!’
Families can enroll in this school using the online application at mps.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/en/Schools/How-to-Apply.htm
Grades: K3 – 7th Grade
School Hours: 7:25 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Before/After School: Boys and Girls Club from 2:25 – 6:00 p.m.
Programs: Early Childhood, Dual Language, Bilingual- English and Spanish
Location: 1210 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, WI 53204
Art/Music/Physical Education: Classes in all areas
Athletics: Soccer (coed)
Bilingual/Multicultural: Dual Language, Teaching for Bi-literacy Prototype Site
Extracurriculars: Boys and Girls Club
Partners: Marcus Hilton City Center, Christopher Kidd and Associates LLC, Boys and Girls Club, Junior Achievement, Faith Builders