Greetings I.D.E.A.L. School Families!
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! I am very happy to have you as part of the Individualized, Developmental, Educational Approaches to Learning School or as we like to say, I.D.E.A.L.! On behalf of the entire staff, I want to welcome you to our school! We are very happy to have you as part of our learning community and we are eager to work with you throughout the school year.
I.D.E.A.L. School has a unique multi-age learning environment. We have three multi-age units that are taught by teams of teachers who work collaboratively to create a rigorous, hands-on learning approach for our students. Our Primary Unit is grades K4 through 2, Elementary Unit is grades 3 through 5 and our Middle School Unit is grades 6 through 8.
We are a proud STEM School that follows four yearly school-wide Science themes. We look forward to sharing more information throughout the school year and to showing you the unique project-based learning opportunities.
I.D.E.A.L. is fortunate to have full-time Physical Education and Music Specialists as well as a part-time Art Specialist. Middle School students have the opportunity to participate in band and all students can benefit from after-school sports/recreation activities as well as a multitude of daily opportunities.
I cannot express enough the importance of good, daily attendance! Students need to be here consistently to make academic progress. The district’s goal is 95% or better daily attendance. This is our goal as well. We also want to minimize the tardies and early pick-ups. We need all students to be on time daily and to be present the entire day to fully benefit from their school experience.
Thank you for choosing I.D.E.A.L. School for your family! We are happy to have you here. Be sure to read our weekly newsletter and all home/school communications. Our newsletter comes home every Wednesday via paper copy in your child’s home folder (blue) and it is sent via email. It is filled with much important district and school information. Remember to keep the office updated with current phone numbers and address information.
You can call our main office at 414-267-1600 with any questions.
Let’s have a terrific school year!
Mrs. Carter, Principal