Ms. Teo Mendoza has been our Camp Director since 2006
Quality before- and after-school child supervision is available at Honey Creek each school day. Students receive homework help and are given the opportunity to participate in sports, games, arts and crafts and additional enriching activities.
A completed registration form and a $20.00 registration fee are required at the time of registration. Registration forms are available in the school office. Daily fees are listed below.
Morning Session
6:45 am-7:25 am———–$8.00 Per Student
Afternoon Sessions
2:10 pm-3:10 pm ———-$8.00 Per Student
3:10 pm-4:10 pm———-$8.00 Per Student
4:10 pm-5:10 pm——— $8.00 Per Student
5:10 pm-5:30 pm———$4.00 Per Student
Payment is requested the week before child care. Fees include a daily snack, drink and other supplies.
Camp is in session 6:45am-7:25am and 2:10pm-5:30pm.
Camp Door #6 is closed at 7:20am and opens at 2:25pm
Students enrolled in Camp Honey Creek are expected to exhibit good judgment and contribute to the environment in a positive manner. To ensure quality enrichment, it is necessary for everyone to cooperate.
1. Students listen to camp leaders.
2. Students respect the rights of others.
3. Students participate in all camp activities.
4. Students follow all camp rules
5. Students learn a lot and have fun!