At Honey Creek; a caring staff, actively involved parents and community members collaborate to create an integrated curriculum. The curriculum is presented so that children are involved in the learning experiences necessary to meet high academic expectations and develop into problem-solvers who think critically and act as productive, responsible citizens.
A computer lab, multimedia library and an environmental learning center add to the benefits of enrollment at Honey Creek. Programming such as advanced placements, Direct Instruction and the Accelerated Reader Program is available to meet the needs of Honey Creek’s student population. Curricular and instructional adaptations are made to address the unique needs of individual students. In addition, technology is integrated into classroom lessons, allowing students to apply concepts and thinking skills they have acquired.
Parents, community members and agencies serve as resources linking classroom learning to the world of work and careers. By volunteering time and energy to Honey Creek students, representatives from local organizations provide students with new perspectives and insight.
In addition to Camp Honey Creek, which provides quality child supervision, many motivational programs exist at the school that recognize, reinforce and reward positive behavior and attitudes. Extracurricular activities and Summer Recreation Enrichment Programs enhance the Honey Creek curriculum.
Honey Creek is recognized as an academically high achieving school. With a commitment to students, the Honey Creek staff promotes student success through:
- Ungraded, multi-age classrooms designed to provide challenges based on individual needs, progress for all students and special education within an inclusive setting.
- The implementation of research-based, structured curricula that has been proven to be highly effective in improving student achievement and fostering positive self-esteem.
- The establishment of a bond between the home, school and community, which cultivates strong school to home connections.