Adaptive Physical Education (PE1011, 1022, 1033, 1044)
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: None
Length: 1 quarter
An individualized curriculum based on capacities of students who do not benefit from general physical education activities. Exercises will be individually prescribed. The course includes a diversified program of developmental activities tailored to the individual needs of the students. Class size should correspond to the students’ Special Education classroom placement and/or students’ IEPs.
Aquatics (PE4611)
Open to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Pass 9th grade Comprehensive Physical Education
Length: 1 quarter
The course will cover American Red Cross swimming techniques for swim stroke development. Conditioning and water games will be part of the course in order to make the participant proficient in swimming.
Body Ultimate (PE9411)
Open to Grades: 11, 12
Prerequisite: None
Length: 1 quarter
The overall objective of this class is for students to develop an appreciation for the benefits derived from life-long fitness. This is a unique class because students will be participating in non-traditional physical education activities that may include yoga, palates, step-aerobics, tae-bo, power-walking etc. There will be little emphasis on fitness testing. The goal is for students to find activities that they enjoy and incorporate them into their daily lives beyond high school.
Comprehensive Physical Education (PE2011)
Open to Grade: 9
Prerequisite: None
Length: 1 quarter
This coeducational course will cover swimming, fitness activities, and individual and team sports depending on facilities available at the time of offering. It will also be based on developing basic skills and fitness.
Fit For Life (PE9611)
Open to Grades: 10
Length: 1 quarter
At the conclusion of the subject offerings, students will have experienced a wide variety of fitness activities that they will be able to replicate on their own. Emphasis is on activities that has students who are moderately to vigorously active, for 60% of the class time. Students will have an understanding of their own fitness level, how to assess their fitness and how to improve their health related fitness.
Fit For Life 2 (PE9711)
Open to Grade: 11
Length: 1 quarter
This is the second of the core PE courses in MPS. Depending on individual school facilities/staffing, these coeducational courses emphasize health related fitness. At the conclusion of the subject offerings, students will have experienced a wide variety of fitness activities that they will be able to replicate on their own. Emphasis is on activities that has students who are moderately to vigorously active for 60% of the class time. Students will have an understanding of their own fitness level, how to assess their fitness and how to improve their health related fitness.
Fitness and Wellness 1 (PE9111)
Open to Grades: 11, 12
Prerequisite: Lifetime Sports 1, DC Approval
Length: 1 quarter
The course will provide information on the wellness dimensions of stress management, physical fitness, nutritional awareness, and healthy relationships. Course participants will become familiar with wellness concepts/dimensions, how to make behavioral changes, new research/issues on wellness and fitness, and stress management techniques.
Fitness and Wellness 2 (PE9211)
Open to Grade: 11, 12
Prerequisite: Lifetime Sports 1, Fitness and Wellness 1, Instructor’s Consent
Length: 1 quarter
This course will provide information on the wellness dimensions of stress management, physical fitness, nutritional awareness and healthy relationships. Course participants will become familiar with wellness concept dimensions, how to make behavioral changes, incorporating most recent research issues on wellness & fitness, stress management techniques, communication, and relationships, and a basic understanding of anatomy, physiology, and nutrition as they apply to fitness.
Health 11 (HL2111)
Open to Grade: 11
Length: 1 quarter
This is a required course for all 11 grade students. Content areas include nutrition, fitness and wellness, suicide prevention, human growth and development, as well as learning about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Lifeguarding/Safety and First Aid (PE511/HL71110)
Open to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: DC Approval, Health, Safety and First Aid
Length: 2 quarters
The course will cover American Red Cross rescue techniques for water safety, rescue, breathing, and first aid. It will provide, for students, who complete the course with a certificate. This class is strongly recommended for students interested in child care, food service, JROTC, Health & Human Services related occupations, as well as water safety occupations. This course may involve a materials fee.
Lifetime Sports 5 (PE2711)
Open to Grade: 12
Prerequisite: None
Length: 1 quarter
The course will cover team and individual sports depending on the availability of facilities. Emphasis will be placed on the student’s physical education experiences and participation in physical activities for enjoyment and fitness.
Senior Health (HL7111)
Open to Grade: 12
Prerequisite: For the student who have not previously passed health class or did not take the course
Length: 1 quarter
This class is designed to teach students the skills necessary to engage in positive health behavior throughout life. The class involves a series of collaborative “project based” projects, culminating in the production of a video PSA (public service announcement). Topics in this course will focus on wellness, stress and coping, relationship skills, healthy decision making, mental health and pregnancy/STI prevention.