Congratulation to Mrs. Meagan Tatro – K5 Teacher she has been selected by her colleagues as the MMABSE 2024 Teacher of the Year
- Mrs. Tatro is an inspiration to all teachers and students. She has a balanc in her classroom. She focuses on her students learning and knowing that we learn first, then we have a good time. Mrs. Tatro encourages her students to be successful and do their best. She prepares them for 1st grade and most of all her students know she lovers them no matter what!
- Mrs. Tatro communication skills with her class are excellent. Ms. Tatro displays patience with her style of nonsense behavior basically focusing on academics. Mrs. Tatro also has a gentle ear for listening to her students with a can of passion. She also has the skill set and daily task for functioning a smooth classroom.
- Mrs. Tatro comes to school everyday ready for whatever comes her way. She has high expectations for her students and they learn so much. Students thrive in her classroom with clear expectations and a respectful rapport. Mrs. Tatro loves her students.
- She is very kind and teachers with strong instruction
- Mrs. Tatro takes educating her students very seriously. Her commitment to her students shows in how she cares for each one and in their academic skills
- Tatro goes above and beyond for her students
- Mrs. Tatro is a teacher who brings passion and dedication daily. I am so thankful for her work as I see from my students the last impression she makes on her students.
- Mrs. Tatro works tirelessly with her students to make sure they are successful learners
- Mrs. Tatro goes above and beyond for her students. She always pours into each and every one of her students.