Elementary and Middle School Counseling website
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3rd-5th Grade | Middle School |
Language and Literacy
Students use a love of literature and reading as a springboard for knowledge and imagination. Including the MPS Comprehensive Literacy Plan, we use whole language and novel study in combination with small group training and skill aquisition.
- Digital Passport
- The Lexile Framework for Reading
- Achieve3000
- Dictionary.com
- Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee
- Unite for Literacy
- Storyline Online
- Storyjumper
- Make Beliefs Comix
- Fodey (newspaper clip generator)
Students participate in Everyday Math, an adopted district math curriculum for grades 3-5 and Project Lead the Way (STEM) grades 6-8. Golda Meir adheres to the Milwaukee Public Schools Comprehensive Math and Science Plan.
Students participate in school and district science fairs. Grades 3 – 5 focus on environmental and earth science while grades 6 – 8 utilize Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). We are equipped with laptop and permanent computer labs that promote 21st century learning and partner with the Urban Ecology Center for field experiences in all grades three times annually.
Library & Technology
Keyboarding, word processing, email practice, power point, graphic programs, web page production, online catalog use and Internet research round out our technology offerings.
Keyboarding Programs
Research and Inquiry Activities
Computer Literacy Lessons
We received the Wisconsin Alliance for Arts Education’s “Model School Arts Program Award” for developing an exemplary arts program. Field experiences include the Junior Docent Program at the Milwaukee Art Museum that integrates language arts, history, and the visual and performing arts. In partnership with Danceworks students participate in tap and ballroom dance that enhances mathematics, coordination, poise and appropriate social behavior. Partnerships with First Stage, Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra, Milwaukee Children’s Choir and Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design enhance classroom and specialist arts offerings through extended day opportunities.
Social Studies
Social studies at Golda Meir is integrated into all aspects of learning. Grade level district prescribed focus and common core standards combine with classroom and school wide themes, current events, social issues, service learning, and a partnership with Economics Wisconsin. History is constantly referenced, geography experienced, and decision making explored from various points of view. Students have an opportunity to compete in several social studies related activities such as Geography Challenge and the Stock Market Game. Our students learn social studies through experience as well as projects, textbooks, technology, arts, and travel.
Special Education
Students in grades three through eight identified with exceptional educational needs are mainstreamed in regular education classrooms. They receive support from a special education teacher in their regular education classroom and in a resource room based on their individual education plans.