La Escuela Fratney is a citywide Dual Language school in the Riverwest neighborhood that serves approximately 450 students from K3 through Grade 5. It is the focal point of a multi- ethnic neighborhood that is involved in the educational program at Fratney. Parents, staff and the community play an active role in the school. Together we work to provide a quality program that sets high standards for all students. Several important components are described below.
The Dual Language program offers students the benefits of learning in two languages. All students are learning a second language and serve as models for each other. In our program there is a reason and purpose for learning another language from the beginning of the school experience.
Balanced Literacy instruction emphasizes integrated learning through the use of children’s literature in two languages. Fratney boasts of an extensive library collection in both Spanish and English. All students learn to read in both languages. Literacy skills are taught in a print- rich environment with the goal of developing life-long learners.
Multicultural, anti-racist education is at the core of La Escuela Fratney’s educational philosophy. The cultural diversity of the students and their families is considered a strength. Our school-wide themes help students to connect their own experiences to lessons in various subject areas. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of young learners preparing for life in a multicultural, multiracial society.
A commitment to collaborative leadership is demonstrated by the structure of management with staff participating on the School Council, the Learning Team, the Building Committee, curriculum based committees, and Grade Level Teams.
Parent and family involvement is an integral part of Fratney’s educational program. Opportunities for involvement include participation in the School Engagement Council, Literacy, Math and Science events, and other volunteer opportunities. Parents are encouraged to volunteer in their child’s classroom and attend field trips and school-wide events and presentations.
Fratney has a “state-of-the art” facility that offers our students and the broader community a welcoming space to focus on the academic achievement and personal growth of our students.
Because of the Dual Language Program, students who are interested in enrolling in La Escuela Fratney after K5 must show Spanish proficiency by taking a Spanish test to be considered for the program.