Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
PBIS is a joint effort between Milwaukee Public Schools Office of Family Services and the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association to effectively reduce classroom disruptions and student suspensions through a school-wide systematic tiered-intervention approach. Data shows that schools that implement PBIS with fidelity see decreases in disruptions and suspensions and increases in student achievement. Cool Tools are lesson plans used to teach behavioral expectations. Clemens’ students have a weekly Cool Tools time on Wednesday afternoons.
Character Building
At Clemens, students focus on the 3 B’s: Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Safe. A school and classroom matrix is developed for students to understand the expectations for the playground, lunchroom, classroom, bathroom, bus and hallways. Cool Tools teach students how to behave respectfully, be responsible and be safe at school. Tiger Paws are used to recognize positive student behavior. Weekly raffles are held along with several Fun Friday events for those students exhibiting appropriate behavior. Students also have the opportunity to gain unique skills by announcing school updates on WCCC, the Clemens Communication Channel. During this daily radio broadcast, student announcers recite the school Paideia Pledge and remind students of school-wide behavior expectations. The announcements also highlight the academic and behavioral achievements of our students.
Junior Achievement of Wisconsin
We have a strong partnership with the Junior Achievement of Wisconsin program, which inspires and prepares young people to succeed in a global economy. The mission of this program is to ensure that every child in the state has an opportunity to obtain an understanding of the free enterprise system. Lessons are organized according to the MPS Social Studies curriculum. The Junior Achievement curriculum is first implemented in K5 classrooms and continues through eighth grade.