Click here to view the current month’s lunch menu.
Students may bring a cold lunch, or buy a prepared lunch at our school. Your child may be eligible for a free or reduced cost lunch.
School Nutrition Information
Milwaukee Public Schools follow federal nutrition guidelines serving more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy than ever before. School nutrition professional prepare and serve balanced, nutritious meals in age-appropriate portion sizes that provided needed nutrition and promote healthy childhood weights. School lunch provides one-third of the recommended dietary allowances of protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, calcium and calories. School breakfast provides one-fourth of the recommended calories and nutrients per day.
Meal Benefits
Your family may qualify for free or reduced priced meals. We encourage you to apply, either online or with a paper application. Applications are available.
We are encouraging all students to prepay!
Go to to pre-pay your child’s account or check on their purchases. MyPaymentsPlus accepts credit or debit cards or electronic checks.
The prepayment system shortens the wait time in line and decreases incidents of lost money. The money is then deducted from the child’s account each time they go through the line, and can be used for lunch or milk. Cash or checks made out to the school should include your child’s name and room number. Prepaying does not require your child to eat hot lunch everyday. The money remains in the account until the next time they stay for a meal.
Please plan your child’s lunch with good nutrition in mind. Parents of students with asthma and allergic reactions to certain foods need to consult the office and kitchen manager. Special dietary meals will be considered. Candy and soda are not encouraged.