Allen-Field Vision
Allen-Field Elementary School is a safe, respectful and responsible environment where excellence is nurtured and each student will be prepared to succeed socially, emotionally and academically.
La Visión de Allen-Field
La Escuela Allen-Field es un ambiente seguro, respetuoso y responsable donde se consolida la excelencia y cada estudiante será preparado para tener éxito social, emocionalmente y académicamente.
Allen-Field Elementary School strives to guide our students to become successful learners within their school and within their world. We firmly believe that with the commitment, support and collaboration of parents, educational staff and community members, Allen-Field students will become the leaders of tomorrow.”
La Escuela Allen-Field se esfuerza en dirigir a nuestros estudiantes en conviertise en estudiantes exitosos dentro de su escuela y dentro de su mundo. Creemos firmemente de que con el compromiso, apoyo y la colaboración de los padres, del personal educativo y de los miembros de la comunidad, los estudiantes de Allen-Field serán los líderes de mañana.”
What’s happening at Allen-Field? Read our NEWS!
We are currently accepting applications for K4 and K5 students for fall of 2023-2024. If you need help completing the application please call the school office at 414-902-9200 or meet with Ms. Cepeda in the Parent Center.
- The application can be done completely online at: bit.ly/MPSENROLL
- If you live outside the city of Milwaukee the Open enrollment application is: https://sms.dpi.wi.gov/OEParent/
Seats are limited, don’t wait to apply!
For more details regarding Kindergarten enrollment visit: mpsmke.com/Enroll