Eighty First Street School participates in the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework and was recognized as a School of Merit with a Silver rating for the 2019-20 school year.
PBIS is a three-tiered system of supports implemented by all MPS schools. The Eighty-First Street school-wide expectations are that all students will:
Be Respectful
- Raise your hand
- Listen while others are speaking
- Listen to staff and peers
- Accept others’ differences
- Respect the property of others and the school
- Use polite voices and positive language
Be Responsible
- Attend school daily and be on time
- Be responsible for homework
- Follow class routines and expectations
- Stay in line
- Put electronics away
Be Safe
- Walk in the halls and stay to the right
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Remain in your seat
- Stay with your class
Be Career Bound
- Honor time and location of pass
- Notify staff of an issue immediately
- Participate in discussion
- Be prepared and ready to learn
As a PBIS school, all students are taught expected behaviors and incentives are provided for students who adhere to the school expectations. For students who struggle following expectations, targeted interventions are provided to help the student become successful in the school environment. If you have questions about PBIS or how it is implemented at Eighty-First Street School please contact the school. For further information regarding PBIS, please visit the MPS PBIS page at: